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Deliver projects of action

and impact. Change the world.

For everyone, everywhere. All ages.

By tapping into our community's sense of determination, we can make a positive dent in the society we share. The community is an engine, fueled by you, the unsettled thinkers, seekers and doers all sharing your agency - as well as your urgency - so that we can make the changes which are so needed in the world right now.

About the Purpose Missions



Every member of The Purpose Xchange who participates in the Purpose Missions will belong to a team. A team is a group of members who work together on a purposeful project to deliver positive change and impact. A team should be no smaller than 8, and no larger than 22 members. Every team must have at least one Imaginal member. You can join a team with a friend or two if you like, or there might be enough of you to create your very own team. Team members could all live in the same city, or they could live in different countries around the world. Teams offer the opportunity to work together with others and build special relationships, united in purpose. 


Each team creates its own project and the impacts they aim to achieve. Projects can be as simple or complex, long or short as you wish. They can last a week, or they can take many months to complete. It's entirely up to your team to decide. Every project should be connected in some way with one or more of the 8 Missions. Each month, all the teams will gather to share the stories of the progress they have made and impact they are creating. All these amazing stories will be captured and shared on our website and social channels. All the project impacts will be collected, aggregated and updates published regularly. 


Imaginal cells turn caterpillars into butterflies. They are the ultimate changemakers. Imaginal members are The Purpose Xchange changemakers. Members who are clear in their purpose, resilient and tenacious. Every team must have at least one Imaginal member. Imaginals represent their teams at the online gatherings, and are their team's point of connection with The Purpose Xchange leadership. Their energy, enthusiasm and natural affinity for human connection help bind and motivate their teams. Any member can apply to be an imaginal.

Apply to be an Imaginal


The Purpose Xchange is creating positive change across the full breadth of society. The 8 Missions represent the range of issues that matter most to people today.









The Missions in more detail


Once each month, the entire Purpose Missions community gathers online to consider impact. We will reflect on the aggregate impacts we're all contributing too, as well as the progress, lessons and achievements from each project team. Each team will have its own breakout room to catch up and to consider the next steps on their project plan. New members will be welcomed on board, and existing members will have opportunity to share their ideas of how the community can be even better and more impactful. 

Next Community Gathering


Every member will make their own unique contribution to their team. Each team will design and deliver its own purpose-led impact project inspired by one of the 8 Missions. All project outcomes and impacts will be recorded and aggregated. The Purpose Xchange will publish regular updates on the overall impact its members are creating. 

In this way, we hope to make large, positive and enduring changes in the way society behaves; in the way diverse communities live together and thrive; and in the way we heal our planet.

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